Winlight System invests in a new factory !!

Winlight System invests in a new factory !!

To face the workload and prepare the company for future big projetc, Winlight System has started the construction of a new factory close to the actual one in Pertuis. The new building will increase the assembly floor as well as the polishing workshop. Production...
Winlight System’s optics are now on Mars

Winlight System’s optics are now on Mars

Curiosity just lands this morning on Mars. The robot was lauched last November by NASA. Winlight System has supplied some of the optical elements , in particular the two mirrors of the CHEMCAM telescope mission which is embedded on Curiosity ! Visit CHEMCAM Website...
Startiger : CORONOGRAPH in 6 months !

Startiger : CORONOGRAPH in 6 months !

The R&D Startiger program has been validated by ESA (European Space Agency) last week. Winlight System, member of the Consortium, has supplied the TMA (Three-Mirror Anastigmatism telescope) for the project in a very short time ! Learn more about the R&D...
2 R&D projects will be financed by French government

2 R&D projects will be financed by French government

The French government has just published the list of the 99 projects which will be financed within the 6th call for projects of the FUI. Projects Diamant 2 (Pôle Pégase) and Optim (Pôle SCS) in which Winlight System is involved have both been accepted.
Capital increase for Winlight System

Capital increase for Winlight System

The shareholders of the company have decided to increase their participation in the development of Winlight System’s activity by increasing the capital of the company from 265 600 euros to 514 600 euros.